Old MacDonald Cut and Paste Scene Activities

Old MacDonald Cut and Paste Scene

Kids can sing the song Old MacDonald had a farm while working on the Old MacDonald Cut and Paste Scene with Farm Animals. Print the scene in color or print the black and white version for the kids to color once they complete their cutting and pasting. Helps develop skills for learning animals, cutting, pasting and coloring. Print the Old MacDonald coloring mini-book which includes the lyrics. Find these fun cutting and pasting activities and more.

old macdonald farm animals
old macdonald cut and paste scene

Cut and Paste Kids Worksheets, My Family Cut & Paste

Cut and paste kids worksheets with a variety of activities for cutting and pasting into correct categories. Activities include sorting groups into boxes such as friends, family and kids activities. There’s cut and paste kids faces with boys and girls, family members, pets and friends.

Cut and Paste Kids Activities

Cut and paste kids at play at home or outside.  Cut out girls skipping, playing hopscotch or wearing butterfly wings.  Cut and paste boys that are flying a paper airplane, catching butterflies or playing with a paper water boat.

Keep cutting and pasting with Friends where kids cut and paste their friends onto the Friends page.  Kids can print their friend’s name above each picture.

Cut and paste babies into their correct group.  Group the babies into the correct categories with happy babies, sleeping babies, scared babies and sad babies.

cut and paste babies activity
cut and paste babies worksheet

Cut and Paste Kids Faces

cut and paste girl face with eyes and mouth pieces

Cut and Paste Kids Family

Kids can display their family on paper with these cut and paste family worksheets that can include pets as well.  Start off by printing the family and pets.  Cut out the number of people that are in the family (print more copies if needed) and then paste them onto the family page and color.  Kids can expand the family to relatives or make up their own families during playtime.  Keep the kids engaged by having them talk about each family member while pasting.  Kids can answer questions such as what are their family’s favorite foods, colors, hobbies and sports.  Great activity at school to help kids talk about their families and share with the class.

cut and paste family worksheet

Find these and more worksheets with cut and paste activities.

Food Worksheets, Cut & Paste Activities, Food Pyramid

Food Worksheets with Cut and Paste Activities

Kids Cut and Paste Food Worksheets with a variety of food choices to cut up and paste. The kids can start off by cutting and pasting together a food pyramid with food choices that they think are best.  They can learn about food and ingredients with cut and paste mealtime, cut and paste salads and cut and paste pizza food worksheets.

Cut and Paste Food Pyramid

Teach kids the Food Pyramid with healthy food choices they cut out and paste into the pyramid to make up a balance daily diet.  Kids cut out all the food items and paste them into the correct food groups on the food pyramid diagram.  The food pyramid consists of 7 groups.

cut and paste food pyramid

Cut and Paste Fruit

There are two cut and paste fruit shapes food worksheets.  Cut out the fruit and paste them into the correct fruit shapes.  A perfect activity for the younger children.  The cut and paste fruit salad worksheet has a fruit bowl and fruit items that can be colored and then cut out to be pasted into the bowl.  When the food worksheets are done the children can display their fruit salad recipe on the fridge.

cut and paste fruit shapes

Cut and Paste Vegetables

Kids can cut up a vegetable salad and paste the items into a salad bowl.  First they will need to color the vegetables before cutting out.  Print more copies if you need more vegetables for your salad.

cut and paste salad bowl

Cut and Paste Pizza

The kids can make their very own pizza with the ingredients they like by cutting and pasting the food ingredients onto the pizza.  Next, challenge the kids with pizza fractions.  Cut and paste the pizza fourths and paste each fourth onto the pizza.  Each time a slice of pizza is pasted onto the pizza ask the children the fraction equivalent, i.e. what is one slice of pizza pasted? Is it  one-fourth of pizza?  Continue until all the pieces of pizza are pasted to make a whole pizza.

cut and paste pizza

Cut and Paste Mealtime

Cut and paste mealtime is a fun food worksheet activity for the kids.  With this activity worksheet, the kids can list the food items they would like for breakfast, lunch and Supper.  Kids start off by cutting all the food items they wish to paste under the three mealtime categories.  Remind them to choose wise choices that follows the recommended food guide for daily nutrition.  The kids can color the food items with they have completed the worksheet.  This activity can also be used to help with daily mealtime planning.

Help these chefs cook up some yummy deserts or main entrees by cutting out the menu items and pasting them onto the chefs platters to serve to the guests.  What have the chefs cooked up for us today?

cut and paste mealtime

Cut and Paste Desserts

Why not prepare an ice cream cone by cutting out and pasting the ice cream scoops onto the cones.  Make a super duper ice cream sundae with one of the cut and paste ice cream layers and don’t forget to put the cherry on top.  Use the same ice cream layers and toppings to make a sundae.  You might forget that the donuts are made out of paper, they look so real.  Have the kids cut up a dozen or half-dozen and paste them into the donut box.  Donuts anyone?

Kids can cut and paste a birthday cake for a friend, family member or a cuddly bear.  First, cut out the number of candles for the cake and the correct birthday number topper.  Second, cut out the cake and paste the candles and birthday number on the cake.  Now hold up the cake and sing the “happy birthday” song.

cut and paste ice cream cones
cut and paste birthday cake

These donuts look so yummy that the kids will think they’re real! Kids cut out six donuts and paste them into the donut box. Which donuts will they choose?

cut and paste donuts

Kids will feel like little chefs with these fun cut and paste worksheets and will learn more about good food choices for everyday meals.