Christmas is a time of year where kids can get crafty and creative with Christmas tree ornament crafts, a cotton ball santa craft, Christmas garlands to hang up and Christmas puppets for a Christmas show. Find easy to cut out christmas templates for all those home and school Christmas projects.
Use these Christmas templates to make fun crafts. Just print and cut along the lines. Place the cutout on the paper that you will be using for your craft.
Create Christmas crafts with bookmarks, stickers and name tags. Use the Christmas scrapbook page to share memories. Put on a show with these cute Christmas finger puppets. Decorate the house or the kids room with these Christmas garlands. Need more Christmas wrap? Print it and wrap it with these colorful Christmas wrapping papers.
Show off the Christmas Tree with cool crafts you can hang up or wrap and give as gifts. DIY Christmas tree ornaments that you can make with candy canes, pipe cleaners and wiggly eyes.
Just print and add playdough to these fun Christmas Playdough Mats. Use colorful playdough to bring these fun Christmas activity scenes to life.
Do It Yourself Christmas ugly sweater iron-ons. Choose a Christmas Ugly Sweater Design and print on iron-on transfer paper. For light-colored shirts use light. For dark and bold colors use dark. Cut out the design and iron it on a cotton long-sleeved shirt or t-shirt. Add special touches of small pom poms that you can glue on. Fun shirts for Christmas that are easy to make.
More Christmas fun for the kids with the Twelve Days of Christmas and Hannukah activities.