Print allergy food labels, posters and more to use as stickers, classroom door posters, school and lunch bag tags, and allergy aware notices. Seasonal Food Allergy printables for all year round.
No Nuts & No Peanuts Signs, Allergy Alert Labels, Posters, Stickers and Allergy Aware Lunch Table signs that can be used to display an allergy aware message. Use these Peanut Nut Free Posters to hang up at home, daycare and school. Holiday Allergy Labels, Posters, Treat Labels for those festive occasions.
No Dairy and I'm Allergic to Dairy Stickers and Labels for home, school, daycare and travel.
I'm Allergic to Fish, I'm Allergic to Shellfish Labels to display an allergy warning.
No Soy Please Alert Labels and Poster to add to lunch boxes, school bags, school reminders and daycare notes.
No Eggs Allergy Labels and I'm Allergic to Eggs Stickers for lunch bags, classrooms and daycare.
Corn Allergy, Corn Free Labels and Corn Free Treat Toppers.
Gluten free labels and posters to hang up at home, school, daycare, preschool. Use the labels on lunch bags and school bags.
Multiple Food Allergy Labels for those with more than one food allergy.
No Latex Please, Latex Free Zone Alert Labels for home, school and daycare.
Food Allergy Alert Labels for lunch boxes, school bags, allergy alert tags and more.
Print the students name on these food allergy signs and attach them to the front or top of the student's desk.
Use these signs to post to tables or walls to indicate an Allergy-Safe food table.
Printable luggage tags with food allergy alerts. Use these luggage tags on kids carry-on bags and luggage.
Allergy printables with allergy bookmarks, cut and paste activities, allergy reference posters for babysitters and daycare providers and more.
Print these allergy aware t-shirt iron-ons on t-shirt transfer paper and transfer them onto t-shirts for camp activities, field trips or special events like walk-a-thons. Help keep kids safe by having them display an allergy alert.