Cut and Paste Kids Worksheets, My Family Cut & Paste

Cut and paste kids worksheets with a variety of activities for cutting and pasting into correct categories. Activities include sorting groups into boxes such as friends, family and kids activities. There’s cut and paste kids faces with boys and girls, family members, pets and friends.

Cut and Paste Kids Activities

Cut and paste kids at play at home or outside.  Cut out girls skipping, playing hopscotch or wearing butterfly wings.  Cut and paste boys that are flying a paper airplane, catching butterflies or playing with a paper water boat.

Keep cutting and pasting with Friends where kids cut and paste their friends onto the Friends page.  Kids can print their friend’s name above each picture.

Cut and paste babies into their correct group.  Group the babies into the correct categories with happy babies, sleeping babies, scared babies and sad babies.

cut and paste babies activity
cut and paste babies worksheet

Cut and Paste Kids Faces

cut and paste girl face with eyes and mouth pieces

Cut and Paste Kids Family

Kids can display their family on paper with these cut and paste family worksheets that can include pets as well.  Start off by printing the family and pets.  Cut out the number of people that are in the family (print more copies if needed) and then paste them onto the family page and color.  Kids can expand the family to relatives or make up their own families during playtime.  Keep the kids engaged by having them talk about each family member while pasting.  Kids can answer questions such as what are their family’s favorite foods, colors, hobbies and sports.  Great activity at school to help kids talk about their families and share with the class.

cut and paste family worksheet

Find these and more worksheets with cut and paste activities.