Paper Instruments, Paper Music, Paper Guitar

Kids can make their own Paper Instruments and put together an air band for the whole family or class.  Easy to print and make paper guitar, saxophone, microphone and trumpet Templates.  Paper instruments you paste onto cardboard and cut out the shaped pieces.

How to make your Paper Instruments

Paper Guitar

Print out the pages required to make a paper guitar and glue onto a cardboard cutout using the paper guitar template.  Add string to your guitar with fishing line or other type of string.

diy paper guitar

Paper Saxophone

Glue on some buttons or beads for keys to your saxophone after you have completed the steps to making your paper saxophone.  Start by printing the saxophone template and glue it onto a cardboard cutout using the paper saxophone template.

paper saxaphone

 Paper Trumpet

Make some cool tunes with this paper trumpet you put together.  Use the trumpet template to cut out and paste onto a cardboard shape using the trumpet template.  Finish it off with buttons or beads you can stick on as keys.

paper trumpet

Paper Microphone

Put on some music and sing along to your favorite tunes with this paper microphone you put together.  Just paste the microphone onto the same shape cardboard using the template.  Use a paper towel or toilet roll for the bottom to use as a handle.  Wrap the template around the paper roll.

paper microphone